Friday, September 24, 2010

A lot


Daylight again? Really? Fine, then, a lot of humor for your day. I laughed about this, but felt guilty for not also crying. Please meet Hyperbole and Half.

Yes, my spell check corrected the spelling of a lot...


Sevenbeads said...

Thank you for introducing me to the blog. My high school English teacher used to say, "A lot is that on which one builds a house or parks a car."
I never forgot it.

Unknown said...

So funny that you should mention Hyperbole and a Half... I just wrote a blog post of my own on their awkward situation guide (hilarious!)
Thanks A LOT for a good laugh today.

Would love to see your take on fashion for Gold Cup this fall. What does one wear while stomping the divots in October? :)Lloue