Friday, January 29, 2010

Winter garden

In the foreground below is the vegetable garden. It is a modern horticultural ruin.

I am always looking for old-timer's to tell me a story. I am hoping I can locate one nearby who can tell me about this place.

Once, there was a nursery on this land, down below the big barn you see there on the left. They had a huge vegetable garden, the remains of which you see here. I don't know anything about what went on, but I can tell you the nursery was abandoned in the course of a regular business day: All the trees remain in the pots in the greenhouse, now uncovered by the elements. They were still repotting seedlings when whatever happened, happened.

It is eerie. Spooky. Lonely. Cold. And leaves you with the distinct sense it was not always this way and does not care for its latest disposition.

On the left side of the plot there are the remains of ten raised beds, each 4X8, they are under the snow you see above. To the right, about 800 square feet of open garden. Deer fence all around, but broken in the places it is not falling down.

It was a sizeable undertaking when it was cared for. As it will be again.

Just me, my babies, and the ghost of an interrupted gardener.

We will have a lovely view from this haunted patch.


Jessica Ryan said...

Like graveyards, I think this haunted patch is particularly lovely. Surely there must be someone around who knows the story. You must stop by when you have a few free minutes to read my story about my grandmother, Estee Lauder and Pressed Duck... it's right up your alley. Stay warm today!

Reggie Darling said...

Hello Blushing,
This appears in my humble opinion a monumental undertaking, albeit an ispired one. Do yourself a favor and enlist the help of someone to assist with the brute labor, otherwise you may well find yourself sick of the project before it even bears any results...

Karena said...

I love going to family reunions down at the family farm and going up to the grave site from the 1800's. So humbling and fascinating with the way we live our lives now.

LPC said...

Scary. Gives me chills. All the melting snow adds to the effect. To say nothing of your and your adorable child looking all blond and not knowing that the ghost is right behind you:).

The Countess of Nassau County said...

There is either a great love story or a great tragedy at heart of your abandoned garden story....or a broken hip.