When I traveled in Indonesia, I bought piles of magnificent batiks which I have used for all manner of items since: Sarongs, pillows, table coverings, art. These unbelieveably gorgeous pieces could sparkle with golds and silvers or several tonalities of one color. They bear no resemblence to the so called "batik" prints at many crafty venues. The Hostess tries not to think of such things for fear someone will have to break out the smelling salts.
Long story short: I'm here now and I could not find anything stateside which compared to the pieces I love most from Indo. Recently I found Batik Asia while looking for a big batik to fill a huge gilt frame. They are a good deal closer than any place else I have found, I hope you enjoy this interlude.


Just keep in mind: Batik print is generally not a treated fabric. It may not be colorfast, washable, or stable. Use it in places where it is regarded carefully because even hand washing may alter it for the worse.
I'll take the second, fifth, and seventh ones.
i love the second to last one! Something about turquoise and gold color combination that always fascinates me. It can be so Indonesian, Native American and Mediterranean to me. Thank you for the post, it's nice to be back with internet after a nice 3 day break!
You picked terrific examples! I'm a batik fan, too. Excellent "bread and butter post," by the way.
Oh, thank you, you are each so very kind.
AAL picked the one going into the gilt frame, it is the seventh. Had AAL not commented on that I would have promptly become very concerned... I need a lot of reassurance when it comes to decor!
Great minds think alike - - I have a Batik post on the way with some pics from a 1952 issue of Gentry magazine. There's a little bit out there apparel wise. J McLaughlin has some great stuff past and present. Still, It would be nice to see it catch on in a bigger way. Maybe we can jump start the hipsters.
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